Vital Historiography

A balanced centrist reading of history. Unity over division. Development over decay. Americanism as spirit, conviction, and purpose, not creed or birthplace.

  • Initial Wiki Dump, from The Grey Area to Vital History

    Initial Wiki Dump, from The Grey Area to Vital History

    I started to write a book years ago, called The Grey Aria. It was a history of American politics encapsulated in an attempt to chart a new (non-ideological?) path. The name was an oblique reference to The Gray Lady, a pseudonym of the New York Times – renowned for its objectivity (I was writing over…

  • The Point of Vital Historiography

    The Point of Vital Historiography

    The point of this blog is to develop a vital centrist reading of history. By that, I mean a view of our national development focused on the wide swath between the center-left, center, and center-right of American thought. It: …as inimical to the American experience. We’re pretty clearly in an American society of increasing division…