Vital Historiography

A balanced centrist reading of history. Unity over division. Development over decay. Americanism as spirit, conviction, and purpose, not creed or birthplace.

Initial Wiki Dump, from The Grey Area to Vital History

I started to write a book years ago, called The Grey Aria. It was a history of American politics encapsulated in an attempt to chart a new (non-ideological?) path.

The name was an oblique reference to The Gray Lady, a pseudonym of the New York Times – renowned for its objectivity (I was writing over two years ago).

An aria is a self-contained musical piece for one voice, and is a reflection on emotion.

Basically, the theme was that it was one person (me, or any other garden variety centrist) speaking in a vacuum of sanity as chaos swirled everywhere.

The book didn’t happen. I had too much content. There was scope-bloat. I probably was also unable to find a reputable publisher, other than a niche local one. It was never going to work out.

So I’ve decided to just dump the contents into the new Vital Historiography wiki and to start from there.

Now the task is to develop some sort of organizational theme and work from there. Wikis very much require planning.