Vital Historiography

A balanced centrist reading of history. Unity over division. Development over decay. Americanism as spirit, conviction, and purpose, not creed or birthplace.

Colonial America (1565 – 1774)


1565: St. Augustine, Florida Founded
1607: Colonists Arrive at Chesapeake Bay
1609: James Grants Charter for Jamestown
1610: Santa Fe, New Mexico Founded

Colonial Wars

1689: King William’s War Begins
1702: Queen Anne’s War Begins
1722: Father Rale’s War Begins
1744: King George’s War Begins
1753: French and Indian War Begins
1756: Seven Years War Begins
1763: Treaty of Paris
1763: Pontiac’s War and Proclamation of 1763

Paying for War

1764: Parliament Enacts Sugar Act
1765: Parliament Enacts Stamp Act
1765: Parliament Enacts Quartering Act
1767: Parliament Disbands the New York Assembly
1767: Parliament Enacts the Townshend Act

The Colonies React

1770: Boston Massacre
1772: Committees of Correspondence
1773: Parliament Enacts the Tea Act
1773: Boston Tea Party